The Intruder Pt2

I run into the hallway at lightning speed, heart beating as if I’m about to explode! The police arrive seconds later, they all ran into my apartment. Minutes later they came out with the psycho woman in handcuffs, one of the policemen said “ she used to live here but got kicked out for violence…” the policeman gave me my big chopping knife I was looking for “she had this in her bag… looks like she wanted her apartment back.” A shudder went down my back “will she go to prison?” I replied, “yeah, probably for 4 years.” He answered. … Continue reading The Intruder Pt2

The Intruder

I was in my apartment last night and was working for a new home job, when I heard banging on the window, I look out and there’s nothing there. I get back to my work when something grabs my ankle from under the bed, I shrieked for freedom of my ankle. I finally do the attempt to set myself free, suddenly a psychopathic looking women crawls out from under the bed, i run out the door down to the kitchen to find my sharpest chopping knife. I couldn’t find it so I called the police in panic, “911 what’s your … Continue reading The Intruder

The Weirdest Sight

This is stupid! Mum promised me if I gave her a massage I wouldn’t have to go on the school field trip! I gave her what she wanted, but I’m on the bus entering the gardens of Hamilton anyway, WHAT! A! RIPOFF! when I enter the gardens, I split to have my own fun, i was walking down an ile of roses when i see this statue of a man move in the corner of my eye, I turn to see the statue move his left arm up and bent his elbow, then pointed his right arm upwards and it … Continue reading The Weirdest Sight

Fussy Eater

This may sound weird but, I live with a buncha ghosts, I know this because they hover around my house, they ask me questions I cant even answer and they go through me. The point is, I live in a ghost house and I’m the host, I’m heading to the diner to give Edmund Barton his Vegemite toast, (even though I don’t see the point in finding him food cause well, y’know), i put the plate on the table, “No’, he said, ‘I like Marmite.” “Oh don’t be such a fussy eater! You don’t even need to eat, it’ll go straight … Continue reading Fussy Eater

Ignore me

My mum has ignored me all morning, its quite sad actually, cuz usually she is on about what time I get up and that I need to get up earlier, “Dad, are you going to drop me off at hockey this afternoon?” He ignored me to and just took a sip of his coffee, “Come on, l-lets go visit him.” My mum whispered. Visit who? Dad got up from his chair and put on a black coat, i hopped in the car with them and they pulled up at a graveyard, they walked to a particularly small grave, “I-I’m so s-sorry … Continue reading Ignore me

Listen to your mum Part3

I was frozen in shock, I was terrified, suddenly a burst of heat shot through me and I could move, I sprinted to the door of the station, the man holding it open for me, i hit the breaks and hid behind the counter, the station man was at the door with a gun in his hands, I looked at the security cameras and watched a long, slim man walk out of my car, “ Are you okay?”, “Yeah, just…just a little freaked out.”, “You better stay here for a while”, “yeah… I-I think so”, so thats my story, so … Continue reading Listen to your mum Part3

Listen to your mum Part2

I looked at the man at the speaker inside, he was looking at me wide eyed, beckoning for me to come inside, I pull out my recite “DUDE! I SWIPED PROPERLY! EXACTLY $10! DON’T GIVE ME THAT TRASH!” I was annoyed, I started to walk to my car door, the man started banging on the window yelling something, I couldn’t hear him, his voice was all muffled, then he grabbed a piece of cardboard and started to write something, ‘man in your car!’ I looked in my car, my heart fell to my stomach, a man, hoodie, terrible face, was looking … Continue reading Listen to your mum Part2

Listen to your Mum

When I was 17, my mum always told me to have a full and to never to get fuel on the way home, I don’t know why but I obviously didn’t listen, one night after my night shift, I was on my way home and I looked at my fuel, it was just about empty, I stopped at the nearest fuel station, not caring the price or the fuel, I hopped out of my car and started filling it, swiped my card and was just about to hop in my car when “ Miss you card wasn’t swiped properly, can … Continue reading Listen to your Mum

The Shadow Part1

Warning this includes: a bit of Graphic, horror and blood, do not read if you hate HORROR You and your friend are watching a movie, about 45 minutes into the movie, your friend says he has to use the bathroom and leaves, an hour into the movie, the power goes out, you go into the garage to check it out, you find someone had clearly messed with the circuit, everything back on and head to the living room, however, your friend is missing, you figured that they were still in the bathroom, you knock on the door, no answer, knock … Continue reading The Shadow Part1

The Muffled Glitch

I finally got the game, this is amazing cause I’ve been waiting for this game since, well, forever! Grab the controller, headset on and locked and loaded, screens on, lets do this! My fingers are lightning on the joysticks, but something was wrong, the screen suddenly got darker and darker till it was pitch black, all that was left was a white line across the screen, it starts making noises “RLLLfff!” is it trying to communicate? “Rrrrrrun w-while Fssht Yoooou C-can!” My sister barges through the door “I HEARD IT! BUT WHERE DID T GO!?” I look back at the screen, and … Continue reading The Muffled Glitch